17-09-2023 16:25 TEKNOLOJİ

The growth and diversification of cyber threats

The growth and diversification of cyber threats


Cyber-attacks in 2011 and in recent months have contributed to bringing this threat to the forefront of the media scene.


In 2012, “cyber hacktivism” developed with the use of cyber weapons, which can be defined as computer codes used or designed to threaten structures, systems or living things or to cause physical, functional or psychological harm.


The worst-case scenario would be a threat to oil, gas and water companies that could take control of their equipment through hackers' systems.


Cyber-attacks threaten and destabilize the security of States, businesses and citizens.


This major crime of a new kind is based on increasing dependence on new information and communication technologies. Cyber ​​threats can be defined as the use of computer technologies in a way that harms a society's ability to maintain internal or external order.


The economic impact of cybercrime is arguably one of the most important issues. Estimating financial losses raises the statistical problem of this new type of crime that needs to be mapped.


The published figures are indicators that should be carefully evaluated.


Because it is likely that many individuals and companies do not report the crimes, they are victims of for fear of damaging their e-reputation.


Similarly, according to a report published by the Ponemon Institute in March 2012, costs related to data breaches rose from 98 Euros per piece of information stolen or lost in 2010 to 122 Euros in 2011.


New regulations, electronic attacks and increasing mobile device usage are forcing companies to be more careful about protecting their data.


In the first six months of 2012, it is stated that there was a 24% increase in attacks. 30% of these target companies with less than 250 employees, and large companies with more than 2,500 employees are most targeted.


This growth in attacks is a continuation of 2011, when it saw an 81% increase in malicious attacks and a 20% decrease in security vulnerabilities.


While various statistical sources confirm the proliferation of militant cyberattacks against governments and companies, they suggest the possibility that this militancy could act as a screen to mask other types of large-scale attacks.

The 2011 report noted that the threat has shifted to mobile solutions that concern the relatively less protected data cybermarkets.

It is an observation that points to an increase in attacks on smartphones, particularly banking apps, as shared, embedded systems and healthcare equipment are the target of more sophisticated hackers.


For both companies and employees, the loss, copying, disclosure or theft of certain sensitive data can incur significant costs and have significant consequences for their operations.


The solution is to measure tradeoffs in the context of nomadism, especially when traveling abroad, across data-weighted risks and threats.


The growing popularity of social networks as a result of mobile solutions is accompanied by an equally growing interest in these tools among hackers.



Social networks, used by 80% of internet users, should continue to be a vector of serious threats, given the confusion between private and professional lives.


Companies must manage this threat through social networks that can facilitate the leakage of strategic information.


Therefore, according to the Information Security Club's report on computer threats, based on a survey of 350 companies, approximately 80% of the companies surveyed do not regularly measure their information security levels, and 46% do not have any security measures.


Because outsourcing contracts are often weak, SMEs often do not have the necessary resources to invest or trained and competent personnel in the field.


This relative indifference expressed by many companies in the development of cybersecurity policies must be addressed. It is concerned with the protection of the information assets of companies, especially in sectors that are considered strategic.


By definition, cybersecurity refers to the situation in which an information system can withstand events that could compromise the availability, integrity, or confidentiality of data stored, processed or transmitted from and to cyberspace, and the associated services provided by those systems.


 Cybersecurity uses a number of techniques to protect information systems against cybercrime. But it is also an attitude, as a single weak link puts the entire system in jeopardy and wipes out investments.


The national strategy paper evokes the particular challenge of cybersecurity for companies engaged in vital activities.

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